Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Honey this year!

Well it looks like we are going to get honey this year.  Usually a new hive that is started from a 'package' (a 3 pound box of bees and a queen) will just get going enough to survive the winter.  We were fortunate enough to get a swarm from a new bee friend and it has been going gang busters!  This is the hive we names Daphne.  We checked it last weekend and the honey super is about 2/3rds full after only 3 weeks!

Here is a picture of one of the frames almost full of honey.
This frame has about 7 to 8 pounds of honey in it right now and there are 10 frames in each 'super'.  This one is almost completely full.  We are going to add another super since the bees are doing so well.

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